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What Is Pilgrimage?

Sat Aug 17, 2019

Led by: Deacon Vince Dumond


Cost: $65 (includes buffet lunch)




This 1-day course will examine the historical background of Christian pilgrimages as they relate to contemporary pilgrimages and modern spiritual tourism. Spiritual needs of people in the second half of life will also be interwoven with the course. 


Participants will learn about pilgrimage in all it's spiritual, emotional, historical and physical dimensions through sharing discussions, reflection time, and group presentations. 

Temple Candles

Vince Dumond is a very popular marriage preparation facilitator for Catholic Family Services Toronto at the Pastoral Centre for the Archdiocese of Toronto. He is a retired teacher and school principal and brings high energy and insight to his workshops.  With Vince’s background in psychotherapy, justice and administration, he brings wisdom and acumen to his workshops, presentations and seminars. Vince’s presentations are participant-friendly and engaging.

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